March 25th-26th
A Hybrid Workshop held at Yogamoves, Gort, Galway

On this weekend, we will review Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras in relation to using the main tenets of the practice to integrate and move beyond blocks into order to elevate the mind. As such, we will explore where mindfulness connects with Classical Yoga Philosophy. We will also explore the Tantric Tree of Life in relation to the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine, in order to integrate the wisdom teachings deeper within.

The weekend is an exploration of how the wisdom teachings can bring us deeper into balance and experience our true nature as joy. We will use philosophy talks, meditation, asana, chant, art therapy and cacoa to move beyond obstacles that obstruct our path to truth, freedom, sovereignty, strength and our blissful nature.. 

This weekend is suitable for teachers who want to learn more about the Spiritual teachings of yoga, recharge and reconnect within and in a group. 

If doing this training online, please bring crayons, art paper, cacoa and a curious mind. 

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